Offline energy saving will help you avoid problems
with energy loss and voltage instability in the network

let's make the future innovative together

Witholnce is an inexhaustible resource for obtaining environmentally friendly energy and building the energy system of the future
without CO2 emissions.
Solar energy is actively the developing direction of energy supply,
which we are helping
make it accessible to every family. 

Equipment quality

All our equipment complies with GOST standards, and before each installation passes a thorough quality check

Environmental friendliness

The sun is a renewable energy source, so the stations does not produce harmful waste during their use

Profitable service

The use of solar power plants will allow you to avoid high operating costs in the future

Long service life

Solar panels will serve you for about 25 years. Moreover, in case of a malfunction, you will not need to completely change the station, but only replace the place of failure, which will significantly reduce costs.


Unlike generators and other sources of electricity, the solar station works absolutely noiselessly, so extraneous noises will not interfere with the quality of your sleep.

Does not take up useful space

Most solar panels are installed on the roof of the house, where there is constant lighting during daylight hours. The battery can also be installed on a hill, on a cleared plot of land - anywhere.

popular now

The choice of a solar power plant depends primarily on the parameters of the site on which they are installed and the needs for which they are purchased. However, most often customers purchase autonomous solar power plants,
network solar power plants, hybrid solar power plants

power plants

This solar power plant operates in two directions: it provides electricity and accumulates electricity in case of emergency

power plants

Such solar power plants are placed as an additional energy source for reducing consumption from the main network

power plants

Hybrid solar power plant combines a grid solar station with the function energy storage in batteries

If you doubt which type of power plant suits you, write to us — we will definitely advise you on all your questions

examples of our works


years of work

For more than 6 years, our company has been helping to generate electricity in an environmentally friendly way



During our work, 12 thousand customers ordered solar panels from us power plants of various types


corporate clients

We have extensive experience in working with corporate clients and are always open to cooperation


kW batteries

More than 1800 kW of solar panels have been installed by us over 6 years of our company's operation

how we work

best deals

order a solar

power plant

If you have decided on the type of solar power plant or just need a consultation,
leave a request in the form below and our team will definitely contact you